You cannot obtain love by giving yours away for free.

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 Why did some guys succeed with women without even trying while other guys fail with women no matter how hard they try? Why did these guys, seemingly arrogant, get women? Why did these jerks succeed where he, the nice young guy, failed?

“Because you’re a wimp!” answered the jerks. But the Nice Guy responded in a bashful tone, “But I am myself. I will never change for anybody.”

But this Nice Guy wasn’t receiving any dates, either.

“Haha, you are such a wimp!” said the jerks. The hot girls would laugh behind his back, “What a desperate chump!”


Why was he acting as if the women were better then he? 

Why should he win her, let her win him! 

Why buy her gifts? Let her buy him gifts! 

This new attitude got him all the dates he needed. But why did he not adopt that mindset before?

He remembered the past voices in his head. What did they say? Let us hear them:

“You do not have muscles. What makes you think you can get hot women?”

“You are not that smart. Why do you think you can get the pick of the group?”

“You do not have a high paying job! Why do you think you deserve a hottie?”

And the loudest, most annoying voice: “You are not as cute or handsome as the other guys. Therefore, you do not deserve a hot chick.”

Alas! He knew he was not Prince Charming so he did not act like one. But now he realized that Prince Charming is not the producer of the confident thought; to the contrary, the confident thought is the producer of the Prince Charming. In order to be successful in the world, you must be successful in your mind.

“That is the secret,” he said during his revelation.

“And so long as you think, so long you remain free.”

“But Pook! What are you, a self-improvement seminar? Where is the woman in this?”

Women come and go, but YOU are forever. The focus must be on you.” 

What do YOU want in a girl?

What do YOU want to do for a date? 

What type of relationship are YOU looking for? 

It is a machine to the ONE. You push the button and out she comes.”


Now think back to your Nice Guy days, those suffering days of endless agreement and non-confrontation. What service did you do to help find compatibility?”

“Alas, no!” The young man’s face turned white as he realized the utter disgust he was in his old ways. “I am so ashamed!”

“You’re not the only one,” said the Pook. “Look into the valley! Look at how Man has fallen!”

And the young man looked into the valley. There he saw hordes of Nice Guys throwing themselves toward an idol, the golden woman statue. Flowers, chocolate, bad poetry, and declarations of love were all tossed at the statue. Thunder then exploded.

Then, out of nowhere in graceful light and melodies of enchanted harps, appeared a spirit.

The young man called out, “Speak spirit!”

“I will call out to it.” Pook cupped his mouth. “Where from did you come!?”

The spirit stood there, silent, with a confident air of invulnerability.

Then Pook yelled, “Oh speak perturbed spirit! Speak thy truth!”

And the spirit, in great anger of how Men have turned into beastly chumps, threw the tablets he held at the fleeing Nice Guys. He spoke these words then vanished in a fountain of light:

  • You cannot be yourself without truthfully seeing yourself.

  • You cannot sacrifice character for joyfulness without ultimately destroying happiness.

  • You cannot control the situation, but you can control yourself, your emotions, and your life.

  • You cannot have women love you until you love yourself.

  • You cannot grasp the female nature until you grasp your male nature.

  • You cannot win her until you focus on her winning you.

  • You cannot fully know the principles of this website until you leave it.

  • You cannot obtain love by giving yours away for free.

  • You cannot fulfill your desire by letting it trump your integrity.

  • You cannot be yourself by denying your dreams and what it takes to achieve them.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:
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