(by her and rest of society).

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Structure of Worlds

When you were young, your parents and friends gave you structure of the world. You knew your role of going to school, of escorting a girl to the prom, doing your chores, doing your work, and so on. After school, you are cast out into the world. What structure should you have?

98% of the males and probably 99.5% of the females look for an external voice for structure. Females follow their mother.Almost always, males hear an external voice (women) and adopt a female structure.

  • Nice Guys measure themselves based on their degree of chivalry. “I am so nice to her!” They take it as pride. They wish only to be nicer to women then they actually are!

  • Materialists measure their masculinity based on their paycheck. “Look at me! I am making so much money!” If someone is making less money than they are, they are an idiot.If someone is making more money then they are, then they are to be treated as a demi-god.

  • Citizen Dildos for the Seducer/ Player types measure their masculinity based on how many girls they can sleep with. 

  • Shining Stars are the type of people who want to be socially superior to others. These type of people start off in life as tattletalers. But they nevertheless end up going into journalism, law, running for political office, not because they want to but because they measure themselves based on how other people see them. These people have some fame but nothing lasting. Many irrelevant rockstars, actors, and artists fit in this condition. They become, at best, a Ben Jonson, but never a Shakespeare. Their success is short-lived. They also become famous because they fall, as shining stars are meant to do.

Gentlemen, what do all four of these have in common?

They are structures built around women.

The Nice Guy is easily exploited (by her and rest of society). 

Materialists give her the gifts and things she thinks she ‘needs’. 

Shining Stars give her the illusion of success (why get a doctorate when you can just marry a professor?). 

And Citizen Dildos are the mutual masturbation as she goes through these guys.

All these guys profess they are happy, that they are the ONLY ones living the ‘true’ life and ALL others are living a life of shame. They are happy but not joyful. Their happiness is that of an addiction, the addiction is to feminine praise. When it is not there, these males become depressed. 

The four ‘structures’ are simply means of getting feminine praise, in some form or another.

I have been through all four of these structures. I switched from one structure to another when I realized it would gain more feminine praise.

People say the objective is sex. Then explain to me why the never-laid Nice Guy will not a) visit a prostitute b) sleep with easy girls c) Etcetera. The objective is not sex, it is feminine praise. Those addicted to it will be so endorphinized to see their lives slouch towards mediocrity.

What is failure? All four personalities differ on it. But I would define failure as betraying your soul, as living someone else’s dream, and having no direction in life.

What is success? It is love. 

Not love for chivalrous relationship (Nice Guy), not love for pu$$y (Citizen Dildo), not love for money (Materialist), and not love for glory (Shining Star). 

It is the genuine love for life. Find what you love and direct your passions to it. You will know you have found the right mate not because you two love the same hobbies, but because you both love the direction you (and she) are going in life.

If you want to live your life working for money, or being nice to women, or working for pu$$y, or being praised by society, then don’t be afraid to go ahead. All life is an experiment. I could be wrong. But I am not wrong about myself. I hope you do not choose a path that is wrong for you and your soul. When it is wrong, you will know. 

Imagine how Jesus would feel if he was cast to play the role of Napoleon. The result is the divided soul which is a classical subject in many works, most chiefly Hamlet (a good natured artistic youth cast in the role of savage revenge by the father? How many families want their offspring to play a role they are not suited for?)


What if we make our own structure, completely independent of feminine praise? 

What if we follow OUR dreams instead of women’s dreams? 

What if the truly smart were not those who read lots of books but those who could read their own heart and soul?

I wish you guys well.

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