Whenever the young man approached a woman, a thousand philosophies came to thwart his peace. Alas! All these IDEAS clogged his action!
Then he remembered how AWESOME he was with women when he was a little kid.
He wondered, “Have women really CHANGED?”
No, only in his mind. At heart, Women are still little girls.
So when he saw the luscious babe sitting there, he smiled and saw a bored little girl looking for fun.
He would make fun of her,
Do physical action things with her,
Take her by the hand to lead her somewhere,
and she thought he was the perfect guy.
“I understand now the source of cocky and Funny…” he smiled..
“This is the most sexist thing I have ever heard!”
“You doubtful youth! You are a beanstalk cynic, a crusty philosopher.”
“How can you argue so rudely against me?”
When we were young, we all desired to grow up. Now, once grown up, we desire to be young again! Being poor, you trade your time and health for money, only to use that money for time and health. We have all passed through the world of a child.
“Are you saying that I ought to be child-like?”
Yes! Young kids, lacking the chemical madness curse that puberty brings us, are at PERFECT EASE and treat the sexes appropriately.
Young boys RUN AROUND, they do not sit and TALK to the girl all night.
Young boys have their cars, their trucks, their dangers and excitements. Now, compare the young boys’ actions to those who are REALLY successful with women.
The youth was alarmed. “They are identical! I see that in some ways they are immature, but they kept that joy of youth with them whereas I had killed it.”
“Youth, what do you do on a date?”
“Why, I speak to her about philosophy, about literature, about the designs of the universe, about DNA, about world events, about…”
“Stop! I can take no more! Come and drink from this Fountain of Youth.”
The youth did so. All those paper bullets of the brain ceased. “Now all I want to do is do things and not talk. I want to run around. I want to have FUN!
And women go CRAZY over these types of guys...
Some people are so scared of growing older that they become extremely aged in their youthful flesh. Now you will be the envy of every philosopher, scholar, thinker, and deep analyzer.
You will be in the world they have no access to.
Nothing has changed. The attitude you had towards girls when you were in the sandbox is EXACTLY the attitude you need now. So think young and LIVE.
This is not looking at your childhood as if it were some ‘Golden Age’. To the contrary, your entire life is the Golden Age. The problem isn’t because you aged (because in sexuality, time doesn’t exist), the problem with many is they’ve become so super-intellectual or so ‘educated’ that it corrupts their sexuality.
Your body doesn’t get corrupted by Time. It gets corrupted by cell division error and free radicals. In the same manner, your mind/soul doesn’t age. It gets corrupted with ‘intellect’, ‘philosphies’, and ‘education’.
I always wondered WHY girls could be attracted to hard bodies, happy smiles, but NEVER the genius. Now we know why.
Years ago, I was at my ‘most natural state’ when I would rant about philosophy, politics, economics, and so on.
As you can imagine, this bored the women (women want smart guys but not ‘melancholy’ filled philosophic guys). My actions were so ‘intellectualized’ that women saw through everything (or used me in some way).
This is an anti-intellectual post (very tame of what will follow). Many people sense that Time is going faster and faster and faster for them, as if Life is speeding up. Things become more frantic, responsibilities become more stacked, and the geometry of rules and regulations grow narrower and narrower around your life until nothing remains.
The reason why Time is speeding up is because your life’s relationship to sexuality is going down.
This isn’t about bringing your childhood into the present. It is to CLEANSE your mind and soul of all this philosophic DUST and bitter memory GARBAGE that has accumulated.
We cannot reverse time with our bodies (thanks to the cell-division error). But we can drink from this fountain of youth for our own minds.
With one sip, the ‘complexity’ of women just vanish!
With two sips, you no longer want to ‘talk’ and ‘intellectualize’ with girls, you just want to run around and have fun.
With three sips, you look at all these ‘manifestos’ of women and how to get women with disbelief.
This Fountain of Youth is NOT immaturity. It is NOT mediocrity.
I find it amazing how people go through so much trouble to make sure their body isn’t contaminated by disease, germs, and the like. Yet, there is no such consideration for their mind and soul with politics, philosophies, and perversions of all sort to infect and tear down your sexuality, and thus, your life.
Think about it. Do you want to have a relationship based on talking about DNA?
The childhood example applies because no child intellectualizes life. It was only years and years later that I decided I was ‘smart’ and so read and read and got filled with a lot of BS that life slipped past me.
Most people’s sexuality deteriorates. Some people deteriorate more than others. But when one of these people see a Don Juan, oh, they start intellectualizing what is ‘really’ going on. So all these ‘theories’ are born which is just the intellectual’s excuse to not face the truth about himself….
That HE was not so ‘brilliant’ after all!
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