The only major difference is that Don Juan becomes gamemaster and the other players react to him rather than him reacting to their actions.

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A woman was crushing on a guy badly and he was bewildered and stunned for this was unfamiliar ground for him. He was now wise enough to have patience. But…

She would get close to him. Her eyes would shine like stars. She would make jokes about kisses and kissing. He felt the urge to kiss her but denied it.

Eventually, the iron grew cold. The woman became disinterested. She moved on.

“Oh dear,” the guy realized. “I should have kissed her. I have been following philosophies and not being myself. I should follow my inner nature, and…

Trust the gut.

How do you trust the gut?” asked the young man.

Pook led him to the breakfast table. Before it sat a kid.

“Now, how does the kid know to eat?”

“Why, the food is right in front of him. His nose smells it. His eyes see it. He drools.”

“And so is the same with women! What does the kid do next?”

“He takes a taste.”

“But how does he KNOW when to do it?”

His senses all tell him to do so. He knows when to eat because the food has been all prepared, has been cooked, and is presented before him.”

“But what mechanism tells him that?”

The young man smiled. “His gut.”

“And so is it the same with women! 

They have been prepared through decades of aging and growth for this purpose. They want it. Oh heavens, do they want it! They have been warmed 

  • through your fun, 

  • through your attention, 

  • through their desire, 

  • through your desire. 

Nature has a system in place. No philosophy in the world can do you any good. The philosophies that supposedly ‘work’ are the ones that best match Nature’s music. You either can flow with the system and get what you want or you can buck it in pain. So LISTEN to that gut.

Intermediate DonJuaner said, “Tell me Pook, how long did it take you to turn out to be a successful DJ despite of all the setbacks and bumps on the road?”

It is YOU guys that see me as some heroic DJ crusading through women. In MY eyes, I am not a ‘success’ and that is why I am successful. I’m literally in awe at the system Nature has set up for us. I learn new things everyday.

There will be NO time when you thump your chest and go, “I am Don Juan!” You won’t be successful with every woman (anyone honest will admit this).

Think of a card game. The cards get re-shuffled and dealt out again. You merely get better at the game, more sure, and know what to expect. The next card you flip over may be a two or a five or a ten or a QUEEN! You take it as it comes at you, dealing with what you have the best you can. You learn in the process and can better get that ten when she shows up again. There isn’t a pinnacle of success, a moment when one becomes ‘Don Juan’. The game never stops. 

The only major difference is that Don Juan becomes gamemaster and the other players react to him rather than him reacting to their actions.

But you don’t know what number is coming out of the deck next. It could be an 8. It could be a 10. It could even be a queen. Readiness is all.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:


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