What every skinny guy should know…
Smart, fun, and interesting. So why is it that all the beautiful women always seem out of your grasp?
Why!? You may even be athletic. You can do karate, can run super fast around the track, along with other things. So why does it seem you can get the average to cute girls but the very attractive women seem out of your reach?
What is holding you back is that you are skinny.
“But I like being skinny,” you say. “Look at all those fat people!” Indeed. “Those guys who go to the gym and all are just idiots.”
There was an article in the Atlantic Constitution that said how average women marry skinny guys over big guys. It also said… why am I parroting? Let the article speak for itself:
“When women are choosing mates – except for very attractive women — they’re facing a tradeoff of choosing a guy who’s very sexy or one who will stick around and treat them well,” he added.
It is self-evident that beautiful women end up with the masculine men, in other words, NOT skinny guys like you.
I know… I can hear what the objections you’re saying… because I used to make them. It seemed so ‘jock like’ and is ‘below you’.
I have gained over 50+ pounds of muscle mass. There is a saying that when skinny guys get big, when they look in the mirror, they still see the skinny guy. This is true, as my ‘skinny mind’ hasn’t yet caught up with my body.
Here’s what my dating life looked like at different stages of my life:
Before we begin, For your reading pleasure,
Fat Girl = Means a big girl that requires an elephant gun.
Ugly Girl = In the same category as Fat Girl. These girls may not be fat, but it hurts to look at them.
Average Girl = They don’t hurt your eyes, but they aren’t amazing enough to attract your eyes. Average girls are the plain Janes.
Cute Girls = Often, they are innocent average girls whose innocence makes them cute. They are a bit picky about who they end up with as they are inexperienced.
Very Attractive = Great curves, long luscious hair, nice everything. These women know they are very attractive and sometimes narcissistically wear outfits to reflect it.
Very Beautiful = Bombshell. Every guy will notice this girl and stare and gawk. You know one of these women are around by seeing the satellites of boys trying to be ‘friends’ with them. Guys fear these magnificent creatures.
I started out around 155 pounds at 6’3 height. This meant that I was very skinny. I was also considered a nice looking guy. Women loved me being tall.
At this point, I had to deal with a lot of fat chicks hitting on me. These girls were BIG and I wanted nothing to do with them. Ugly girls also would come to me. This was me not doing anything.
I date average women.
Average girls are now hitting on me. Very attractive women are checking me out. At this stage, every woman is happy to talk to me. They all secretly wonder if I’m gay.
I date more very attractive women but still have the cute ones.
OK, when you don’t have a girlfriend at this stage, the ladies will whisper, “Is he gay?” all the time. One girl got bold about it and asked me point blankly, “Pook, you are cute and all. So why don’t you have a girlfriend?”
Average women consider me out of their league. Cute ones try to become my ‘friend’.
I date only very attractive women. Beautiful women are still a bit of an anomaly.
When you get to this stage, something very strange happens. All the attention and staring women gave you is gone (mostly). Ugly/Fat women will despise you as will the average woman. Most girls will be scared of you (cute girls, very attractive girls).
Now I date some Very Attractive women but most are Very Beautiful Women.
Coming from a skinny guy, being big is a totally different world. The worst thing is finding out how people really viewed the old you. People now openly insult my past skinny self and it hurts. It hurts because I never knew they had thought that way of me. Clothes no longer hang on my body properly, but I look terrific naked (I am saying this for the mental imagery of our lovely lady readers).
Big guys are allowed to get away with more things. I allowed to be cruder, to be bolder, to take advantage of women more (I’m serious!), and so on. You can also be stupid as well. My biggest problem is women only wanting me for sex (no, this is not a joke. Yes, it is a problem). You try to find a girl that fits your life and all she is interested in is your body! It is like getting rich and putting up with gold diggers.
If you want a girl with a great body, you ought to work on your own body.I don’t work hard to get women, I work hard on my dreams which gets the women automatically.
Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice: https://gumroad.com/a/596669555?offer_code=email17