The Fountain of Forgotten Youth
So, you thought yourself ignorant about women, so inexperienced, so confused, and you just seemed to be following an evil circle. Maybe you were like me, a super mega dork who slept through life until now. And, perhaps like I did, you read and reread all material on women and life you could get your hands on.
But what if I told you that you were always a Don Juan at one point in time? And I do not mean in a specific situation or hour, I mean at one point in your life you KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT WOMEN..
Wouldn’t that change everything? Wouldn’t you say to yourself, “Well! If I was the PERFECT Don Juan then I would try to remember how I THOUGHT and what I DID when I WAS that Don Juan rather than mine endless posts and books. After all, if I WAS a Don Juan, then I require only recollection NOT revelation.”
Go find a picture of yourself when you were a young kid (say at age 6).
Look at him! He is smiling gleefully without a care in the world. He doesn’t know he is going to turn into the sad adult that you are now.
Hormonally, the only difference between you and your youthful shadow is that you are flooded in testosterone and in a state of chemical madness. Your youthful shadow knows better of the joys of life. It is no wonder parents find their offspring such a wonder as they reframe the dull life of bills, appointments, and responsibilities with the fire of youth.
Yes, you say that you are an adult now. You have responsibilities such as bills and chores and work to do. You have no time for such nonsense. Or do you?
I bet when you were a kid, you were a natural Don Juan. I bet you got all the girls in the sandbox.
That child knew:
-Knew girls and guys were different.
Trendy intellectuals have this problem today! You KNEW there was MALE and FEMALE.
-Knew that it was improper to be girlish. You would (and ought to) get beaten up on the playground.
-Girls were not to be taken seriously. After all, they are girls.
It is the nice guy that takes the woman seriously in every and all things AND CANNOT SAY NO TO HER!
-Girls were to be guided, teased, because, after all, they were girls and, as such, tended to mess things up. You pulled their hair, made fun of their clothes…
-As a boy, you would never leave the plans up to the woman.
Oh, that would be awful! As a kid, you had to say WHAT you two were going to do, WHEN, WHERE, and sometimes WHY. You had to be direct.
“Why do I need a plan, Pook? Why can’t we do what SHE wants to do?” Because she has no idea what she wants to do. Example:
“When do you want to come over?”
“I don’t know.”
“On Tuesday or Thursday?”
“I just don’t know.”
“How about Wednesday? Is that OK for you?”
“What about Tuesday or Friday?”
“I dunno!”
*aggravated* “Argh! I am coming to pick you up at 7:45 PM on Wednesday.”
*sweetly* “OK!”
-You did not get into serious talks with a girl. You did not turn her into Oprah.
You did not try to impress her with how ‘intellectual’ you are. You probably hit her, cried “Tag!”, ran off, and she would chase after you. You would get on the swings. You would push her off the slides.
-As a kid you loved to sing. You loved to laugh.
What do you do now? You are so uptight that you wouldn’t catch yourself dead singing outside your home. And what happened to that happy laughter that marked your childhood?
One thing is for certain, women go NUTS over a guy who keeps his boyhood charm as women want an ESCAPE. They do not want to hear your views on the world. They want to have the happiness and fun of their childhood back (as everyone does!). They will FIGHT for the rare men who truly live like this (this also explains the mystery why uneducated men often seem to do BETTER with women than many men with PhDs who are so ‘smart’ they intellectualized life out of existence).
As we know, cell division error, aided by free radicals, accumulates errors throughout the body as time passes. A person of 80 obviously has more errors than that of 40. His tissues start to fail, making his organs fail, then entire organ systems collapse, until life is snuffed out.
In the same way, our minds start out pristine and pure (that of the child!) and everything is playful, fun, and simple. But as time passes, philosophies and bitter memories accumulate. The diseased person looks at life only through the philosophical lens, living a life of past memories, and so his life decays and decays until there is no life within him.
So, drink from this fountain of youth for your own mind:
With one sip, the ‘complexity’ of women just vanish!
With two sips, you no longer want to ‘talk’ and ‘intellectualize’ with girls, you just want to run around and have fun.
With three sips, you look at all these ‘manifestos’ of women and how to get women with disbelief.
Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice: