ALL women crave male attention. Period!

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What is it that women most fear? It is to be the old maid. It is to never know the fleeting emotion known as ‘love’. It is to never have known a lover.

Pook holds up a Tablet.

On THIS tablet we see the Male Virtues. We see things like Philosophy, Honor, and so forth.

Pook now holds up another Tablet.

These are the Female Virtues. In Womaniverse, women perform a natural aristocracy based solely on who gets the most attention from men.

Pook points to the top.

The highest point is marriage. The married chick is always on a higher plane than any non-marriage chick in this aristocracy. She has a man bound by her. Thus, she is womanly, she is feminine.

While men dream of a day when having respect from all people in the world, women dream of their marriage day. Why? Because it is their transcendence.

Pook points lower on the Tablet.

We move down further and we see a pattern. 

The woman engaged comes next. 

Then, a woman who has a boyfriend. 

After that, a woman who is pretty and has potential for getting a male.

Pook points to the bottom of the Tablet.

The woman that can get no male. 

She is looked down upon as another woman and seen as a sub-human being. 

In a woman’s eye, it is better to be a whore than an old maid.

Pook holds up the Female Tablet.

What are we to learn of Womanly Virtues? Nothing. They are decadent. 

Male attention! These are the points to their feminine score! They are all, all attention whores on some level!

You may think that there are only some women who seek male attention, the attention whores, while the rest are good. This is a Nice Guy illusion (just as some women want sex while others are ‘good’ where, in fact, they all want it ESPECIALLY the ‘Nice Girls’). 

ALL women crave male attention. Period!

So, Rather than trying to figure out women (how can you figure out ‘nothing’? As King Lear would say: “Nothing comes from nothing!”), let us take up this…

Pook holds up the Male Tablet.

And let us be Men once again.

Men are like a giant pet to women. Like with any pet, you never *hate* it. You can only be cruel to it. “Good” women believe they are “good” solely because they are not cruel to men.

This doesn’t mean they tell the truth or anything. One would never talk to a dog as one talks to a Human. But one wouldn’t kick a dog just because it was there. It is always good to be kind and sweet to the dog even if you do not want it as a pet. Besides, cute pets are good. Cute pets that can do tricks are better.

Women believe that they are the Source of All Happiness for men. Bachelors have to always be unhappy and sad. Married men have to be always happy and upbeat. This is reflected in media (which women are the primary consumers). Young men easily believe it because they are young. Don’t forget that you once believed Santa Clause was real too.

When women ask why I don’t have a girlfriend, after going through the usual guesses like I’m gay, they say, “You don’t know how to get one,” or “You haven’t met the right type,” or  something else. But never ONCE do they say, “You do not want a girlfriend.” No, never that. The premise is always that a guy WANTS a girl. This is why a girl she becomes furious or depressive after you reject her.

Every woman believes she understands men. But every man confesses his confusion about women.

Every woman believes she is a creative genius. As someone deeply immersed in the Humanities, this always offended me. Just because you write bad poetry in a diary doesn’t mean you are “creative.” Most women don’t know how to write. They also believe they are psychologists.

Women will always consider the problem is with you, never the system. She lives in Paradise, why wouldn’t she believe that? The only women who are unhappy with Paradise are the Feminists. And they are unhappy because they are ugly. They are female versions of Richard the Third. They probably even have dogs bark at them.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:

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