The reason for my success is habit.

Look at you! A plop of flesh sitting in a chair! How do you get from there to being with the chicks?

“I will take a deep breath, go out with all confidence, and get the chick!”

This is blitzkrieg. It might work but you’re still a loose cannon. 

Confidence is comfort. Don’t try to force yourself to something that seems entirely alien to you. You’ll never be comfortable with it.

Alter your habits and so you alter your life. 

  • Make it a HABIT to talk to girls. 
  • Make it a HABIT to be social. 
  • Make it a HABIT to look for dates. 
  • Make it a HABIT to date! 
  • Make it a HABIT to Don Juan!

“But Pook! These will require an initial icebreaker.” Yes. But that should not be where you place the ‘challenge’ at. Focus on being consistent. Sure, you can create a huge mental drama about approaching that hot chick. But you should focus on being consistent in approaching hot chicks in general. This one chick is nothing in your string of routine.

Think of it like that.

Women are not Ice Water.

“He who hesitates, masturbates” we hear. Or we might hear, “Imagine yourself old and dreaming of what you could have done. Go out today or die!” Some people even do affirmations to get them to ‘approach’.

Talking to women should NOT be like plunging into ice water. You whirl a slogan in your head and you go ‘blitzkrieg’ on her. Rather, women should be seen as WARM water, something you EASE into pleasantly. There’s no need to cannonball into them.

It’s similar to working out. Habit is the key to success in working out, without it nothing else matters. A guy doing THE BEST WORKOUTS in perfect form and intensity only a few times is INFERIOR to the guy who does CRAPPY WORKOUTS and is consistent with them.

You are not the smoothest guy with the ladies. You know what? Neither am I. However, you have an advantage over the smooth guys: you are more consistent. Hey, they might go for a girl only once a month. You, however, will be going for them FAR MORE often. In the end, you will become ‘smooth’ while even the smoothest guy gets rusty.

What are you doing now? Surfing the Internet? Do you do this everyday? Do you enter your little hyper-reality of video games and mental riddles?

How do you break from this cycle? By changing your habits. If you can change your habits, you WILL change your life. Your habits are your prophecy. Endure and keep those habits, and your life will change just as simply as turning a dial to ‘overdrive’. It’s that simple.

So instead of focusing on asking out the chick or talking to the chick, focus on the continuity of it. She will then become just one chick in your routine. 

You focus on the routine, on the consistency, not on the chick.

Where will you be 5 years from now?

Here is a story I enjoy and wish to share with you:

At the age of 22, he worked for his father at a bakery. He was married and had a kid on the way. Because of these rising costs, he asked for a raise. His father didn’t give it to him.

So he walked away from the bakery with only twenty two dollars in his pocket and a wife with a child on the way. He started a sandwich business that became popular as he went around to construction sites. Eventually, he entered the construction company and became one of the largest constructing companies in California. He would eventually buy a football team and watch them win the Superbowl.

Who is this guy? Alex Spanos. How did he get there from here? He says, “Habit.” He detailed what he wanted to do with his life in five years. He slowly worked toward those goals and he met them every time. In fact, he would meet them BEFORE reaching the five year mark.

Compare this with other guys. Many have dreams, few have goals. By putting a TIME LIMIT on what you want to do, you often set yourself to achieve it.

You CANNOT say, “I’m going to have a girlfriend in X amount of time.” That depends on someone else. Rather, say, “I’m going to get in the ROUTINE of talking to chicks, asking them out, and being more social.” The goal then becomes a prophecy.

Consistency with everything is crucial. For Habit is the child of Mindset, and this is how as you think, you shall become.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:



On Mystery

The girls and everyone I know keep saying I’m a ‘mystery’. I don’t try to be. Yet, the mystery (to them) remains. So mystery must be more than what you reveal.

Apparently, people try to define everyone else they meet. Girls do this all the time. They want to figure you out to decide what role you will have in their fantasy, if you should be relationship material for them or their friends, and so on (i.e. LOVER, FRIEND, or LOSER). If you keep defying the ‘mold’ they have for you, you will be christened a mystery.

Most people are static. A year from now, they will probably look the same, act the same, and be the same. But if you are in a state of flux, easily done through a self-improvement (or self-discovery if you will), every slot they try to stick you in will fail.

People see Pook.

“Look! He is athletic. He enjoys talking about sports. Therefore, he is a jock.”

Pook then talks philosophy.

“Look at that! He must read books! Therefore, he is a nerd jock.”

Pook then listens to the women.

“Oh, he is so sweet! He is such a Nice Guy!”

Pook then cycles through the women.

“How is this!? Pook is a Nice Guy Player!”

Pook then pisses off a woman.

“What ho! Pook is jerk-like!”

Pook then makes a speech.

“Look at him go! Pook is an orator! He must get his own radio show.”

Pook then writes an essay for a paper.

“Wow! Pook must be a writer! Look at him go!”

And this goes on forever. In the end, they conclude Pook is a Nice Guy/ Player/ Jerk who’s writer/orator and a nerd/jock. No wonder they are confused.

The longer they know me, the more of a mystery I am to them (because they’ve seen more change). They can only love Pook, never define him.

Women like men who are like mountains, solid with many layers because all women are gold-hunters, either for the gold of your potential or the gold you actually have. They like to dig through these layers. They get information but they know that there is more there. It frustrates her that she can’t define you. She loves you because of this.

You don’t withhold information. 

You make her work to get it out (you are not to dictate your autobiography to her). 

But you’re constantly changing. So once she has dug up a layer, the mountain has pushed up three layers higher. She (and you) are never bored and both of you are closer to the stars.

Compare THIS with the guy who is in stasis mode. She will go through his layers and his mountain just sits there. Soon, she thinks that the other mountains are taller, larger, more interesting to climb. She will say, “I am bored,” dump you, and go for the next mountain because it’s there.

People do not see mysteries in people they have not talked to/met. Why? Because there are lots of people they have not talked to. There is nothing mysterious in that. No, those people are delegated in her mind as part of the ‘environment’ or ‘scenario’ she is in. You only become real once you start interacting with her in some real way. The more values and time she gets from you, the more she will try to put you in a slot. If you are upwardly changing, she will be curious. “He is such a mystery!”

You want to be a mystery in this way rather than hiding your life (but no turning the girl into Oprah. That’s just gross.) 

In this way, the more a person knows you, the more the person will see you as a mystery. This means your girl won’t get bored. Her interest level will remain high.

And it will be through her doing! The word ‘mystery’ won’t even go through your mind. She will think and ponder and create drama out of nothing (as women are quite good at doing). And the more she thinks about you, the more she will like you.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:



Structure of Worlds

When you were young, your parents and friends gave you structure of the world. You knew your role of going to school, of escorting a girl to the prom, doing your chores, doing your work, and so on. After school, you are cast out into the world. What structure should you have?

98% of the males and probably 99.5% of the females look for an external voice for structure. Females follow their mother.Almost always, males hear an external voice (women) and adopt a female structure.

  • Nice Guys measure themselves based on their degree of chivalry. “I am so nice to her!” They take it as pride. They wish only to be nicer to women then they actually are!

  • Materialists measure their masculinity based on their paycheck. “Look at me! I am making so much money!” If someone is making less money than they are, they are an idiot.If someone is making more money then they are, then they are to be treated as a demi-god.

  • Citizen Dildos for the Seducer/ Player types measure their masculinity based on how many girls they can sleep with. 

  • Shining Stars are the type of people who want to be socially superior to others. These type of people start off in life as tattletalers. But they nevertheless end up going into journalism, law, running for political office, not because they want to but because they measure themselves based on how other people see them. These people have some fame but nothing lasting. Many irrelevant rockstars, actors, and artists fit in this condition. They become, at best, a Ben Jonson, but never a Shakespeare. Their success is short-lived. They also become famous because they fall, as shining stars are meant to do.

Gentlemen, what do all four of these have in common?

They are structures built around women.

The Nice Guy is easily exploited (by her and rest of society). 

Materialists give her the gifts and things she thinks she ‘needs’. 

Shining Stars give her the illusion of success (why get a doctorate when you can just marry a professor?). 

And Citizen Dildos are the mutual masturbation as she goes through these guys.

All these guys profess they are happy, that they are the ONLY ones living the ‘true’ life and ALL others are living a life of shame. They are happy but not joyful. Their happiness is that of an addiction, the addiction is to feminine praise. When it is not there, these males become depressed. 

The four ‘structures’ are simply means of getting feminine praise, in some form or another.

I have been through all four of these structures. I switched from one structure to another when I realized it would gain more feminine praise.

People say the objective is sex. Then explain to me why the never-laid Nice Guy will not a) visit a prostitute b) sleep with easy girls c) Etcetera. The objective is not sex, it is feminine praise. Those addicted to it will be so endorphinized to see their lives slouch towards mediocrity.

What is failure? All four personalities differ on it. But I would define failure as betraying your soul, as living someone else’s dream, and having no direction in life.

What is success? It is love. 

Not love for chivalrous relationship (Nice Guy), not love for pu$$y (Citizen Dildo), not love for money (Materialist), and not love for glory (Shining Star). 

It is the genuine love for life. Find what you love and direct your passions to it. You will know you have found the right mate not because you two love the same hobbies, but because you both love the direction you (and she) are going in life.

If you want to live your life working for money, or being nice to women, or working for pu$$y, or being praised by society, then don’t be afraid to go ahead. All life is an experiment. I could be wrong. But I am not wrong about myself. I hope you do not choose a path that is wrong for you and your soul. When it is wrong, you will know. 

Imagine how Jesus would feel if he was cast to play the role of Napoleon. The result is the divided soul which is a classical subject in many works, most chiefly Hamlet (a good natured artistic youth cast in the role of savage revenge by the father? How many families want their offspring to play a role they are not suited for?)


What if we make our own structure, completely independent of feminine praise? 

What if we follow OUR dreams instead of women’s dreams? 

What if the truly smart were not those who read lots of books but those who could read their own heart and soul?

I wish you guys well.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:


What is it that women most fear? It is to be the old maid. It is to never know the fleeting emotion known as ‘love’. It is to never have known a lover.

Pook holds up a Tablet.

On THIS tablet we see the Male Virtues. We see things like Philosophy, Honor, and so forth.

Pook now holds up another Tablet.

These are the Female Virtues. In Womaniverse, women perform a natural aristocracy based solely on who gets the most attention from men.

Pook points to the top.

The highest point is marriage. The married chick is always on a higher plane than any non-marriage chick in this aristocracy. She has a man bound by her. Thus, she is womanly, she is feminine.

While men dream of a day when having respect from all people in the world, women dream of their marriage day. Why? Because it is their transcendence.

Pook points lower on the Tablet.

We move down further and we see a pattern. 

The woman engaged comes next. 

Then, a woman who has a boyfriend. 

After that, a woman who is pretty and has potential for getting a male.

Pook points to the bottom of the Tablet.

The woman that can get no male. 

She is looked down upon as another woman and seen as a sub-human being. 

In a woman’s eye, it is better to be a whore than an old maid.

Pook holds up the Female Tablet.

What are we to learn of Womanly Virtues? Nothing. They are decadent. 

Male attention! These are the points to their feminine score! They are all, all attention whores on some level!

You may think that there are only some women who seek male attention, the attention whores, while the rest are good. This is a Nice Guy illusion (just as some women want sex while others are ‘good’ where, in fact, they all want it ESPECIALLY the ‘Nice Girls’). 

ALL women crave male attention. Period!

So, Rather than trying to figure out women (how can you figure out ‘nothing’? As King Lear would say: “Nothing comes from nothing!”), let us take up this…

Pook holds up the Male Tablet.

And let us be Men once again.

Men are like a giant pet to women. Like with any pet, you never *hate* it. You can only be cruel to it. “Good” women believe they are “good” solely because they are not cruel to men.

This doesn’t mean they tell the truth or anything. One would never talk to a dog as one talks to a Human. But one wouldn’t kick a dog just because it was there. It is always good to be kind and sweet to the dog even if you do not want it as a pet. Besides, cute pets are good. Cute pets that can do tricks are better.

Women believe that they are the Source of All Happiness for men. Bachelors have to always be unhappy and sad. Married men have to be always happy and upbeat. This is reflected in media (which women are the primary consumers). Young men easily believe it because they are young. Don’t forget that you once believed Santa Clause was real too.

When women ask why I don’t have a girlfriend, after going through the usual guesses like I’m gay, they say, “You don’t know how to get one,” or “You haven’t met the right type,” or  something else. But never ONCE do they say, “You do not want a girlfriend.” No, never that. The premise is always that a guy WANTS a girl. This is why a girl she becomes furious or depressive after you reject her.

Every woman believes she understands men. But every man confesses his confusion about women.

Every woman believes she is a creative genius. As someone deeply immersed in the Humanities, this always offended me. Just because you write bad poetry in a diary doesn’t mean you are “creative.” Most women don’t know how to write. They also believe they are psychologists.

Women will always consider the problem is with you, never the system. She lives in Paradise, why wouldn’t she believe that? The only women who are unhappy with Paradise are the Feminists. And they are unhappy because they are ugly. They are female versions of Richard the Third. They probably even have dogs bark at them.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:


Failure is a necessary component of growth. Let yourself fail.

Not all the time. You are not the Nice Guy who crashes and burns without a clue (and does it again and again and again). Don Juans are made by failing, not by succeeding.

When you fail, you have information sent back on things that can be worked on. 

Are you too scrawny? Do you not have fun dates? Is your personality the problem? Do you let yourself have fun? Are you scared of sex? What is it?

“But Pook! If I fail, I will lose the girl!”

  • For every love that dies, a new one is born. It is a law of Nature!

“But Pook! Why should I intend to fail?”

  • The point is not to INTEND to fail. It is to LET yourself fail. If you fail with a girl, IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY THAT YOU MISSED ABOUT YOURSELF.

The Number 2 common mistake here is people thinking that they ARE NOT ALLOWED to fail because of all this ‘information’ they have soaked up. In other words, that if they failed, they really ‘aren’t don juans.

Let me tell you something: They are made OUT THERE. Whatever happens to you out there, no matter how bad it is, come back here and we will help you. You are beyond your Nice Guy days.

But flaws can only be removed by confronting them, never by masking them.

“But Pook! I did what you said and… I had great success! I was hoping I would fail so I could improve but dammit, I succeeded beyond my wildest expectations! I was looking forward to failing so I can improve but the hot chick accepted my advances and dates! How could she do that!?…”

Now you see the point of it all. Even though there are TONS of posts that say ‘not to fear rejection’ or ‘that she is missing out on you’, you still are scared of failing. Failure is actually a GOOD thing since it helps you grow. It is good to IMAGINE success, but do not FEAR failure. Embrace it like the gift it is since it allows you to grow. (For if you don’t fail now, you will fail later on. Get it over with.)

It is a win-win situation.


Turning a ‘failure’ with a woman to make it a ‘learning experience’, just one bump along the long road of success, sounds good in seminars and all. But you’ve got to risk, you’ve got to roll your dice.

Nice Guys are nice because they don’t want to fail. Why else do Nice Guys listen to womanly advice? Why else do Nice Guys give chocolate, flowers, poetry, etc. to the woman? They certainly don’t do it out of a spirit of love (though many do, these infatuated chumps). Many do it because they think it is ‘the routine’ and they don’t want to fail. They want to ‘play it safe’.

“May I kiss you?” the Nice Guy asks. He doesn’t want to make her ‘uncomfortable’. If this Nice Guy risked failing, he would just kiss her and go for it. He could be slapped OR she could say, “THANK GOD! I THOUGHT HE WAS GAY!” and all is good.

Some here still act like those Nice Guys with the only difference is that they listen to men instead. You’ve GOT to sprinkle risk in your life.

As Anti-Dump said, you DO want to protect your heart. But some are so scared of failing that they literally COCOON their life!

To the loners- You know who you are. You don’t think you are good enough, have the right things, do the right things, etc. to let a woman into your life. But you do! You loners aim at your comfortable world but do so at sacrificing long term happiness. LET A WOMAN INTO YOUR LIFE! You’ll probably enrich her life more then you think, and she will definitely enrich yours!

To the shy guys- You know who you are. You are worried what others might say, what she might think, what everyone might say. But the truth is that you could walk in front of a bus and you’d be forgotten in a day. No one is going to care that you lusted after a chick. Even chicks forget. GO FOR IT! YIELD TO YOUR DESIRE FOR ONCE!

To the addicted-to-sosuave crowd- You know who you are. You read more and more and more and more and more information. Yet, there you sit in front of your computer. The information you see… it is a novelty, something new for you to think about. But once you go out and FAIL with the ladies, all the information literally changes. Rather then being a novelty to think about, like some new philosophy to adopt, it becomes addendums to your battle plan. You exit the world of THEORY and go OUT THERE (since that is where the chicks are. Only feminists reside in the world of THEORY and you don’t want those anyway).

Alas, the book has created a few new problems. One of them is that guys are scared to fail, especially with all this information around. They think that with this information that they won’t fail. It is fun to fail and is the zeal of life. Let yourself fail! 

Only by Failing you can succeed.

Some guys are so scared of failing, that they memorize how they should act and so on whereas I have one thought going through their head: “WHEEEEE!”

Some men see women and cry, “WHY!?” But I approach women and say, “WHY NOT?”...

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:



Where I work, I ask the women why they found a co-worker to be so desperate. Here are some of their answers:

  • -always giving the women attention.
  • -calling all the time(and calling immediately once getting the number, immediately returning a call, etc.) 
  • -taking every opportunity to talk to them (and telling everything about yourself)
  • -always available.
  • -NEVER willing to walk away (NEVER willing to disagree, ALWAYS supplicating).
  • -etc.  

What theme can we find in the above? 

It is that the man puts the woman on the pedestal rather than himself.

Imagine if a woman did all of the above to you. 

Imagine if a woman was OBSESSED with you, always calling you, always available, and always spending her free time FOR YOU. 

Any interest you had for this woman would soon evaporate. Why?

Because in your own mind you are thinking two things: 

“No one else must want her,” AND

“If I can get her OBSESSED about me, I know I can get BETTER girls to be interested in me.” 

Her desperation is turning you off. The same is true for women.

Women are not attracted to desperate men. Period. I’ve told my co-worker this and his response: “Well, that is just who I am.” Eventually, he will realize that the only common denominator in his pattern of crash and burns will be HIM. So if anyone has told you that you’re desperate, consider that its true.

There is a KEY to removing desperation forever. There is no simple ‘trick’ that will kill the desperation. It will not be in how you dress, how you talk, or where you go for dates. No, the KEY is in how you think.

There is a KEY to removing desperation forever. There is no simple ‘trick’ that will kill the desperation. It will not be in how you dress, how you talk, or where you go for dates. The KEY is in how you think.

The KEY to killing desperation is to THINK and BELIEVE that you are The Great Catch.

Desperate guys do not do this. They see the woman as the prize rather than themselves. 

They see that the woman must be ‘wooed’ rather than them. 

They will, thus, supplicate and become a ‘nice guy’. (And nice guys finish LAST.)

After all, if we think we can ****** someone better, we will. This holds true for both men and women. The last thing we want is to settle for a mate when we could have gotten better. (This is why the element of challenge is so important in the Dating Game.)


You are the gold; she should be thrilled just to have A CHANCE with you.

The first step in becoming the Prince Charming every woman dreams of is to THINK OF YOURSELF AS A PRINCE.

When you BELIEVE you are that prince, that you are The Great Catch, all the ‘desperation’ signs you were emitting vanish and an aura of attraction will surround you. Combine this manner of thinking with all the Don Juan skills you know, and you will become irresistible.

Let us look at the desperation signs again:

-always giving the women attention.

Now that you’re The Prince, you don’t have time to give women attention. A Prince is kind, ENTHUSIASTIC, smiling, yet YOU have things to do. A Prince’s time is precious. A woman must win your attention; you shall not give it to them.

-calling all the time (and calling immediately once getting the number, immediately returning a call, etc.)

The Great Catch simply CANNOT call all the time because he has tons of other numbers. The Great Catch is not competing for a particular girl. The girls, rather, are competing for him.

-taking every opportunity to talk to them (and telling everything about yourself)

Why would Prince Charming tell everything about himself to a woman? No, the woman must JUSTIFY HERSELF to him because YOU ARE THE GOODS. The Prince would reveal things about himself only as a reward. The woman loves the mystery in this and sees knowing the Prince as peeling layers of an onion, knowing him GRADUALLY.

-always available.

The Great Catch is busy with many many women! She must fight for your time, NOT the other way around.

-NEVER willing to walk away (NEVER willing to disagree, ALWAYS supplicating).

Prince Charming wouldn’t accept ANY disrespect from any woman. If a woman gave him such disrespect, he WALKS AWAY. The Prince KNOWS all these women want to be with him so he can eject at any time.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:


 The Fountain of Forgotten Youth

So, you thought yourself ignorant about women, so inexperienced, so confused, and you just seemed to be following an evil circle.  Maybe you were like me, a super mega dork who slept through life until now. And, perhaps like I did, you read and reread all material on women and life you could get your hands on.

But what if I told you that you were always a Don Juan at one point in time? And I do not mean in a specific situation or hour, I mean at one point in your life you KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT WOMEN..

Wouldn’t that change everything? Wouldn’t you say to yourself, “Well! If I was the PERFECT Don Juan then I would try to remember how I THOUGHT and what I DID when I WAS that Don Juan rather than mine endless posts and books. After all, if I WAS a Don Juan, then I require only recollection NOT revelation.”

Go find a picture of yourself when you were a young kid (say at age 6). 

Look at him! He is smiling gleefully without a care in the world. He doesn’t know he is going to turn into the sad adult that you are now.

Hormonally, the only difference between you and your youthful shadow is that you are flooded in testosterone and in a state of chemical madness. Your youthful shadow knows better of the joys of life. It is no wonder parents find their offspring such a wonder as they reframe the dull life of bills, appointments, and responsibilities with the fire of youth.

Yes, you say that you are an adult now. You have responsibilities such as bills and chores and work to do. You have no time for such nonsense. Or do you?

I bet when you were a kid, you were a natural Don Juan. I bet you got all the girls in the sandbox.

That child knew: 

-Knew girls and guys were different.

Trendy intellectuals have this problem today! You KNEW there was MALE and FEMALE.

-Knew that it was improper to be girlish. You would (and ought to) get beaten up on the playground.

-Girls were not to be taken seriously. After all, they are girls.

It is the nice guy that takes the woman seriously in every and all things AND CANNOT SAY NO TO HER!

-Girls were to be guided, teased, because, after all, they were girls and, as such, tended to mess things up. You pulled their hair, made fun of their clothes…

-As a boy, you would never leave the plans up to the woman. 

Oh, that would be awful! As a kid, you had to say WHAT you two were going to do, WHEN, WHERE, and sometimes WHY. You had to be direct.

“Why do I need a plan, Pook? Why can’t we do what SHE wants to do?” Because she has no idea what she wants to do. Example:

“When do you want to come over?”

“I don’t know.”

“On Tuesday or Thursday?”

“I just don’t know.”

“How about Wednesday? Is that OK for you?”


“What about Tuesday or Friday?”

“I dunno!”

*aggravated* “Argh! I am coming to pick you up at 7:45 PM on Wednesday.”

*sweetly* “OK!”

-You did not get into serious talks with a girl. You did not turn her into Oprah. 

You did not try to impress her with how ‘intellectual’ you are. You probably hit her, cried “Tag!”, ran off, and she would chase after you. You would get on the swings. You would push her off the slides.

-As a kid you loved to sing. You loved to laugh.

What do you do now? You are so uptight that you wouldn’t catch yourself dead singing outside your home. And what happened to that happy laughter that marked your childhood?

One thing is for certain, women go NUTS over a guy who keeps his boyhood charm as women want an ESCAPE. They do not want to hear your views on the world. They want to have the happiness and fun of their childhood back (as everyone does!). They will FIGHT for the rare men who truly live like this (this also explains the mystery why uneducated men often seem to do BETTER with women than many men with PhDs who are so ‘smart’ they intellectualized life out of existence).

As we know, cell division error, aided by free radicals, accumulates errors throughout the body as time passes. A person of 80 obviously has more errors than that of 40. His tissues start to fail, making his organs fail, then entire organ systems collapse, until life is snuffed out.

In the same way, our minds start out pristine and pure (that of the child!) and everything is playful, fun, and simple. But as time passes, philosophies and bitter memories accumulate. The diseased person looks at life only through the philosophical lens, living a life of past memories, and so his life decays and decays until there is no life within him.

So,  drink from this fountain of youth for your own mind:

With one sip, the ‘complexity’ of women just vanish!

With two sips, you no longer want to ‘talk’ and ‘intellectualize’ with girls, you just want to run around and have fun.

With three sips, you look at all these ‘manifestos’ of women and how to get women with disbelief.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:



My roommate and I were watching one of those dating shows. Two guys were competing for the ladies.

  • One was a super player who was saying all the right things and getting physical with them. 
  • The other guy was a super horny dude that was loud, making crude comments, and literally humping the chicks.

My roommate was in awe of the player. “That guy rules! He is playing both of them. He is kissing both of them!” The other guy, in the pool, was humping the water jets and jumping around. 

The ladies said about him, “It is like a date with a 2 year old!” The player dude was feeling quite secure when the ladies would say, “Thank goodness I am with you. That guy is complete nuts!”

When the girls chose though, the player dude, Mr. Alpha Male, ended up all alone while the girls chose the horny dude

“I DON’T BELIEVE IT!” My roommate cracked.

The Player LOST to the horny dude because even though the Player Dude did THE RIGHT THINGS to the ladies, he was still boring

The horny dude had more personality than the Player in every encounter.

“But Pook! I do not get it!”

A creative director from Hollywood told me this,

“Look at the REAL stars that EVERYONE LOVES. Are these people the perfect model types that grace magazine covers? NO. They all have huge eccentrices of their own.” In other words, Schwarzenegger is no Shakespearean Actor. I think the only other character that hasn’t talked as much in movies would be Lassie.

Take the successful lawyer who goes to the gym all the time. BORING. What is Human about him? One thing I didn’t realize: if you strive towards perfection, chicks are going to expect you to be ‘perfect’.

We must fall in order to rise. The little goodie who strives to be perfect in all his manners with everyone is going to be surpassed by the guy who lets his eccentricities rise in his dealings.

Perfection is boring. To be Human is Beautiful.

Modeling! You think modeling is about perfection? “Yes, Pook. I believe it is.” Sure, there are standards. But anyone can play the role of a mannequin. Even in modeling, there is heavy emphasis on penetrating the lens, to ‘be Human’ so to say, to slip your personality throughout.

Music! What? You think music, that divine grace that is the perfect union of art and math, is to be ‘perfect’? When you learn an instrument, there is much emphasis on tone, scales, notes, and rhythms. When you play in a symphony or band, you obviously let the director place you in your role. You could practice for DECADES and be PERFECT at playing songs yet be totally BORING. What makes the truly sensational players are the ones who put fun into the instrument, and fun ends up coming out of the instrument. If you take a player who is going at it with a sense of play, of thrill, of joy itself, a missed tone or a note off beat is not even heard. Compare that guy to the ‘perfect player’ and the player with thrill will always, always win. (To you guys still scared about dating and all, consider this: put fun into the woman and fun comes out. Put happiness into the woman and happiness comes out. What do you try to do instead? Do you try to be so ‘perfect’ that she will go crazy over you? Where a Nice Guy uses flowers, you use flowery acts. Unfortunately, you’ll find that vaginas are not laced with gold.)

Writing! Look at the finest writers in history. Shakespeare is bawdy. Milton goes into full egotistical mode. Even some of ****ens’s works seem incomprehensible. If you consider the so called ‘perfect’ works to those, they don’t compare. Take your professors who write these so called ‘brilliant’ academic books that no one reads. People do not admire brilliance; they do not admire technical perfection. People admire the Humanity, the personality, found in works. People do not admire Napoleon for his military and artillery genius. They admire him because he had the audacity to say on a corpse filled battleground, “All these men will be replaced by a single night in Paris.”

Popularity! Take any politician. What do they try to do? Why, they try to be PERFECT in your eyes. They speak to you as if you are a four year old, using focus grouped sayings and canned generalizations. The result is that every politician gets viewed as the same, are all boring. Which politicians are remembered? It is the one not with ‘failings’ but with a humanity of their own. Now look from women’s eyes. All these men try to be ‘perfect’ to the ladies so they all come off as BORING. A ‘humanized’ guy, no matter what his failing, is always more desirable than a PERFECT Nice Guy, super intellectual, or dried up player.

Why does ‘perfection’ fail with the ladies?

Because when you strive to be ‘perfect’, you enter an Anti-Life mode. You end up not really living but fulfilling some imaginary barometer of virtue, of thought, or other Human measuring stick.


“Are you trying to PERFECT yourself when it comes to women or, are you trying to HUMANIZE yourself that you find interacting with women as natural as breathing?”

The difference is all....

Perfect is boring… let it be written in the sky, painted on buildings, read with your eyes, transcribed on your soul. All those people who are ALONE are perfect… but those with the girl realize that being perfect is boring!

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:



  • When a girl eyes a potential mate, what is going through her head?
  • -Cute?
  • -How much does he make?
  • -What is his earning potential?
  • -Is he funny? Will he make me laugh?
  • -Is he interesting?
  • -What are his friends like?
  • -Other girls like him. Therefore, I must investigate him further.

As men, we don’t think about these things. Sure, we want a cute girl and all. But we never look at a chick and go:

“She’s cute, Paul, but she doesn’t have the earning potential that I’m looking for in a girl.”

“Wowza! She is hot! But I wonder what her friendships are like?”

We don’t think like this. It would be comical if we did.

Women do not see guys. They see worlds. 

They see themselves exiting this realm of Nature and entering the guy’s world.

  • Having an aura of humor,or 

  • having lots of money, or 

  • being cute and all, 

These are all different worlds to the girl.

If a guy has no friends, doesn’t go out and have fun, is a drifter and has no path to get money, she is NOT going to be interested no matter his other elements.

MIKE: “Hello! My name is Mike. I play video games hours on end.”

CHICK: “That’s nice but we need to talk about our relationship…”

GEORGE: “I am crazy and do whatever I want. I paint my car screwed up colors, paint my house screwed up colors, and wear weird clothes!”

CHICK: “OMG! I LOVE you! Let me marry you now!”

It is the world the girl is after.

How do successful men act with women?


  • They bring the lady into their world. When they date (at the beginning especially), it is HIS date ideas, he gets to be as creative or dull as he wants.

And she will judge you based on the world you are creating for her.

Remember, she is going to be defined by you. There is a reason why she takes your name.

We can argue which ‘worlds’ are more appealing to others with the women (a crazy spontaneous world or a more stable less risk world or such). But one thing that is very true is that women, above anything else, desire the guy to be himself, to show his world properly.

Nice Guys and chumps, who do not create any world of their own but try to ‘please’ the women, are despised the most by women.

She may not know what she wants. But she DOES know that YOU ought to know what you want.

She will ‘fall in love’ with a guy, become intermeshed in his world, and his goals often become hers. It is not so much sovereignty she wants but a guy’s world.

“But Pook! Let us say we compare a super rich wimpy guy to the cocky asshole! The asshole will get the girl! Thus, you make no sense!”

But the asshole guys has ‘confidence’.

What is confidence but the LINK between your world and yourself, between your DREAM and DAY?

Guys with no confidence can create no worlds. She will see the wimpy rich guy and think how she can use him, not love him.

Like a child, women want to be seized and shown the glories of life. She is expecting you to take her hand and whisk her away to adventures, excitement, and fun, a world of color compared to her boring bland arena of Nature she resides in now.

And this is how you become Prince Charming.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:



"She's out of my league. I should stick to my own league!" What does that mean?


Does that mean there exists an aristocracy of genetics, and that we happened to be on the bottom, the status of clowns and peasants to these princesses and princes?

Forgive me, madam. But you, dear, are out of my league.” Is this what we should say to the girls we find gorgeous and beautiful? 

But why stop there?

Why not say,“Thank you, dear, for letting me be in your graceful presence.”

This  is called Settling for Mediocrity. If you do it with women, why not use it for every other avenue of your life? Mediocrity in the pursuit for a splinter of joy is no joy at all. For me, the pursuit of the dream is the joy.

There is nothing wrong with going for high standards. But, there is a catch

It is this catch, when not obeyed, will keep you in that bubble of fantasy.

The high standards you apply to your desires must be applied to yourself.

Do you want a woman who is not overweight?

Then you must eliminate your overweight. 

Do you want a woman who is intellectually brilliant? 

Then you must hit the books, read the classics, think, and expand your mind.

Do you want a woman who is athletic? 

Then you too must become athletic.

Try, if you want, to get a woman who is better then you in these traits. You may or may not succeed. But only demand that which you can reflect as well. This forces you on the path of self-improvement.

Let me tell you a story. In my late Nice Guy phase, I fell infatuated with this girl. (Yeah, not uncommon. I know.) And like every Nice Guy, I dreamed of our blissful future. When I would get around her, I become very tense with butterflies in my stomach. Oh, how I dreamed about her! More important, I dreamed about us. So I eventually bit the bullet and asked her out. Guess what her response was?



She said no! My soul buckled and I was literally crushed.

Later, when I shrugged off that Nice Guyness, I was looking for a girlfriend. I thought a break came when a girl, a bit homely, had fallen in love with me a few months later. I thought, “Should I go for her?” Then I realized, “NO!” (Later, I realized that she and my crush were good friends. I eventually found out my crush tried to ‘set us up’.) I knew I could do better. And I did.

By focusing on my interests, on my goals, on my improvement, everything changed. Other girls started to take an interest in me. Soon, I became the biggest mystery. My ‘crush’ is bewildered for her friends have the hots for me and older women say, “How I wish I were twenty years younger!” I became the guy the girls talked about when they were alone. And she had placed me in the ‘average’ category. Ha!

Of course, I lost all attraction for her. I felt embarrassed about my past self. How could I get so whipped by a chick I hardly talked to? Now it doesn’t matter, for I have the mindset that I’m going to win the world.

There IS an aristocracy. But it is not an aristocracy of genetics; it is an aristocracy of WILL and PASSION. 

Name any name in history, any grand person in present, and see if it was their DRIVE that got them where they are. There is no lottery of life. The leagues you see are the ones you create in your own mind. Anyone can get a beauty. Hell, even Voltaire had the audacity to say, “Give me ten minutes of talk and I shall bed the Queen of France.”

Aim high! And as each standard increases, so does yourself. 

In this manner, you benefit from your fantasy for now it is tethered to reality, yanking you forward in your proper destiny.

Aim high! And behold, for everything shall become new. The women you were lusting for earlier will seem lowly, for you have been on the course of self-improvement while they have not. You worked out; they remained scrawny. You read; they wasted their time. You saved your money and pulled yourself up; they are locked in debt.

Here is your choice: settle for mediocrity or aim high. 

The former is simple, can occur right now, and only requires the selling of your dreams. The latter demands rigor, the higher you aim the more rigorous, but your dreams can come true.

Learn how to seduce women like a pro. You will have more women in your life than you will know what do with simply by listening to this audiobook and following its advice:


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